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Service Prices
Having financial hardships but need Reiki?
Contact Jennifer. She may be able to help.
Service Prices
Having financial hardships but need Reiki?
Contact Jennifer. She may be able to help.
Reiki Healing - 60 Min
in-person or on video call
Reiki Healing - 60 Min
in-person or on video call
Per Session
please allow 90 minutes total for your appointment
Reiki Healing - 90 Min
in-person or on video call
Reiki Healing - 90 Min
in-person or on video call
Per Session
please allow 2 hours total for your appointment
Reiki Healing - mini session
30 Min
video call only
Reiki Healing - mini session
30 Min
video call only
Per Session
please allow 45 minutes for your appointment
Centering Session 15 Min video call only
Per session
Great for centering, energy alignment and chakra balancing before a stressful event such as a hard conversation, job interview etc.
please​ allow 20-25 min total for your appointment
90 min. Reiki Package
Four Reiki Sessions
120 minutes each
(90 minutes on table time )
to be used within a 3 month time period
Distance or in-person
Can share sessions amongst family members.
60 min. Reiki Package
Four Reiki Sessions
90 minutes each
(60 minutes on table time )
to be used within a 3 month time period
Distance or in-person
Can share sessions amongst family members.
Daily Energy Balance (Text Only)
Per Day
Best for quick "tune-ups" between appointments. You text your needs, Jennifer sends reiki to you and/or the situation. Can also be used for chakra balancing
Daily Energy Balance Package Prices
3 Sessions $30
5 Sessions $40
10 Sessions $70
Mini Session Reiki Package
Four mini Reiki Sessions
45 minutes each
(30 minutes on table time )
to be used within a 3 month time period
Distance via video call only
Can share sessions amongst family members

Reiki restores balance and harmony to the body, mind spirit and soul.
Many people experience Reiki as unconditional love. This happens through deep relaxation, tuning in, letting go of that which no longer serves you and bringing in light.
This healing modality is very gentle. As the energy moves and shifts, one might feel temperature changes, tingling, see colors, feel emotions or a purging or filling sensation. All of these experiences are normal. It is also possible that you won't have a palpable "energy moving sensation." You might simply feel relaxed and peaceful throughout the session and leave feeling aligned, inspired and in tune with yourself.
Reiki is performed on a massage table. The client is fully clothed (clean feet or socks are encouraged) and lies down on a warm, comfortable table. Jennifer begins with intentions and a prayer as Reiki is invited into this time of healing. She then moves intuitively around the body and Reiki flows where it is needed.