Healing for mind, body, spirit and soul
Healing for mind, body, spirit and soul
As an experienced Reiki Healer in Kansas City,
I'm honored to be a conduit for Reiki's healing love and light.

Meet Jennifer Hall
Hi! My name is Jennifer. I’m so glad that you have made your way to my website and that you are interested in learning about and experiencing Reiki.
Here is a little information about who I am.
I have been an elementary music teacher in the Kansas City, Kansas Public School District for 24 years.
I was honored in 2019 by my school district to be chosen as the elementary teacher of the year. I have dedicated my entire career to bringing the joy of music to inner-city children and found a lot of fulfillment and life-purpose through the blessings of that job.
In 2017, I was attuned to Reiki by my sister, Mary Bolan, who is a Disciples of Christ Christian Church Minister and a Reiki Master. During my Level II attunement, I had the most spiritual experience of my life (I’d be happy to tell you about it when we see each other) during which I knew that offering Reiki Healing to others is my true calling.
I made it my goal to perform 100 free reiki healing sessions so that I could truly hone my skills as I learned. I asked my “guinea pigs” to give me feedback as I developed my own style. After I felt confident in my abilities, friends and family started sending me referrals and I continued to offer healing through word-of-mouth (no website, business name etc.) only.
In the fall of 2020, I started hearing the Holy Spirit speak to me that it was time to devote more time to my healing business so I quit teaching full-time and now teach Elementary Strings (violins, violas and cellos) 3 days a week and see clients two days a week plus occasional evenings and weekends.
In September 2023, I got the keys to my first professional office space which is truly a dream come true! You no longer have to navigate barking dogs when you come for Reiki!
I am beyond excited to share the miracle that is Reiki with you and I am honored that you are here and ready for clarity and healing in your life.
A little bit more about me: I have been married to Clifford for 25 years. I have two grown step-children and a fabulous grandson. We live with my mom in Parkville, MO. Clifford is also a professional musician and for many, many years we have led worship at our church. He loves God, good vibes and energy healing too so we make a great team!
We have a German Shepherd (Kato) and a maltese mix (Dudley) who both LOVE people.
In 2014, I had treatment for Ovarian Cancer and used Integrative as well as Traditional Medicine to help me fully heal from that often-deadly cancer. At the time, I didn’t know about Reiki but I received massage, acupuncture, BodyTalk, chiropractic adjustments and worked with an Integrative Medicine M.D. who gave me Vitamin C infusions as well as nutritional and energetic supports. Many, many people prayed for me and supported me through that season. I learned a lot about worthiness, intentions, affirmations and faith. I am grateful that we have many healing modalities available to us today. This is a unique time in history to benefit from Eastern and Western medical and spiritual healing traditions.
I am honored to be a part of your healing journey as I simultaneously continue on my own journey to wholeness.

I’m a serious spiritual seeker, Reiki is something I do to remain balanced and centered amidst chaos and change. It is a conduit for healing and whole-ing. My time with Jennifer feels safe and loving. P.S. I’m a nurse; this is something I do for myself, and the world.

Carol Schafer
Lee's Summit, MO
I’ve worked with Jennifer Hall in a healing and support capacity remotely for an extended period. During this time, she has acted as a healing presence to aid in dealing with a one in a million autoimmune disorder I was diagnosed with as well as helping with motivational energy balancing to aid in my career prospects. During the time of autoimmune flare ups her reiki sessions helped to calm the inflammation, as it does relate to stress, as well as ease side effects of the medications. Her directed healing has cleared blockages and balanced chakras to allow me to live a fuller and more positive life despite health setbacks and road blocks thrown in my path by life. Jennifer has not only helped me offset these complications but her healing helped me realize my own inner confidence and with help and guidance she helped me clear the path for a promotion in short order as well as a good bonus for job performance. The empowerment and positive energy healing she provided cleared the path to see a lot of my own potential and achieve more positive outcomes. Stuck in a stagnant position for two decades her clearing broke that dam free and allowed things to flow much better in my life. Jennifer provided mental strength and support to stave off the low ebbing energy and depression that comes as a side effect of my meds alongside homeopathic advice of natural supplements to aid in the healing and maintain remission for an extended period of time.
I'd highly suggest anyone needing a developed beacon of guidance that understands the balance of the human spirit to seek her assistance. It was not a sudden onslaught of miracles but a slow and steady bringing about positive change and unlocking abilities to be your best self. Highly recommended as a guide and healer of the soul.

Jamie Mathews
Dallas, TX
Thanks to a mutual friend, I was introduced to Jennifer. I have experienced reiki with other wonderful practitioners and have been attuned to level 1 myself. But at the time I sought out Jennifer, I was seeking something "more". In her sessions, Jennifer brings in her knowledge of other modalities, health intuition, life experiences, universal love and welcome relaxation, along with the healing flow of reiki. Depending upon what I have dealing with physically, mentally, emotionally or even spiritually, Jennifer has provided great relief and leads to further my exploration and healing. During my last session in Kansas City (before I moved across the country), Jennifer even assigned homework for some needed self-pampering, and referred me to one of the best pedicures I have ever had! Most recently I completed a package of distance sessions. which were just as powerful as the in-person ones. I have been having shoulder pain for several months and was just gearing up to begin physical therapy the following week. The session I had with Jennifer provided the greatest pain relief and best night of sleep I had had since the issue began.
Thank you, Jennifer, for having me as one of your fortunate clients! I look forward to letting your work integrate for a bit and signing up for more!

South Carolina